Tips: How to Make the Most of Time Together During COVID-19 Lockdown?

How to Make the Most of Time Together During COVID-19 Lockdown
How to Make the Most of Time Together During COVID-19 Lockdown

With the long extension of COVID-19 lockdown, we all are experiencing some degree of disruption to daily life. But thankfully these interruptions are things like working from home, event cancellations, and so on. Spend quality time with your partner? If you do, then you deserve a pat! However if you are guilty of not getting to invest enough time with your significant other, then “Now” is your opportunity to make up with him or her. Lockdown for couples at home often challenges relationships, particularly while both are employed. Partners are expecting fair participation in each other’s work, as well as household chores at this period. The very valuable moment gives both the opportunity to redefine their partnerships. Let’s figure out how we can get this time to the max!

Here are a few approaches to ensure you invest sufficient quality time with your partner:

Playing Together

If you choose to play a computer game, a card game or a chess game together depends on the interests of you and your spouse. The key is to create a close connection with your companion. Playing a game together would allow you to create collaboration and a healthy contest. Your spouse may be the kind of individual who gets upset when he or she loses the game, so it might make it more enjoyable to see his or her cute reaction. Even if you are on the losing end you will see his/her happy face. A win-win game for you in either way, right!

Stay Fit Along

Now that there is no workout time, no walking schedule, so here is the chance for you and your friend to do a couple yoga and other exercises to keep fit. Not only does it empower one another but it’s also a perfect way to keep the relationship happy!

Prepare Meals Together

What about the idea of slicing the onion whilst he is chopping the veggies? When you come up with a great dish out of your joint efforts it feels satisfying. You tend to spend meaningful time with each other away from a packed stomach and also get to take a sense of satisfaction on your choice of the life partner. This not only tells your companion how dedicated you are but also lets them rest and actually appreciate a nice dish! Also, occasions are a bit more fun with home-baked cakes when it is not possible to have online cake delivery due to the so-called lockdown. 

Learn from Each Other

Do you play the guitar and he’s interested to learn how? Or, are you a photographer and she wants to be your personal photographer? Then, teach each other some tips on how to take beautiful shots and play the strings. Keep on learning from each other. A positive indicator of a stable relationship is investing time learning about one another.

So, by adopting such measures, you can make your relationship stronger, which will make it easier for both of you to take on this journey happily and cherish this time forever! And remember, everyone wants their own space. So, value this, be patient, respectful and loving!