How is COVID-19 Lockdown Changing Our Lifestyle?

How is COVID-19 Lockdown Changing Our Lifestyle?
How is COVID-19 Lockdown Changing Our Lifestyle?

Today, the total tally of Coronavirus cases in India crossed 23,000! The deadly virus has made ripples of impact to not only India but to many nations across the globe, bringing them to a virtual standstill. Most countries have implemented a nationwide lockdown in some form or the other to combat the spread of the epidemic. COVID-19 has made severe changes to our lifestyle, thereby indirectly affecting our physical and psychological well-being, changing our daily lives and the way we interact.

Impact of lockdown on our daily life:

  • Namaste being the new Handshake 

Although “Namaste” greeting is an integral part of Indian culture, nowadays the most natural gesture for the majority of us is the handshake. But the way we greet each other is changing due to the coronavirus pandemic. To observe social distancing, experts are advising to put handshakes, kisses, hugs and any other gestures infringing a person’s personal space on hold. Because of this, the namaste greeting is being used by not only Indians but international leaders as well. 

  • Preference for Healthy Eating 

The craze around healthy eating has been that, and the Coronavirus outbreak is going to fuel it even further. In response to the outbreak, people are trying to boost their immune system by eating healthy and taking great care in selecting what goes inside their system. Several online cake delivery services are swearing by the utmost hygiene measures likewise. As we would see in the coming days, this will gradually become a desire rather than a sheer compulsion!

  • Maintaining Better Hygiene 

Another important thing that relates to combat the situation is practising better hygiene. People are improving their personal hygiene that includes the use of hand sanitizer (the word novel to a few before this outbreak) washing their hands more often and maintaining cleanliness in and around their houses. People are also taking caution when they are in public spaces and are refraining from touching objects such as ATMs, elevator buttons, etc. 

  • Yoga — Best exercise regime for this quarantine period 

Now that the gyms are closed and Morning Walks prohibited, people are confined to their homes are now practising more of yoga. It is the simplest and best forms of exercise that promise a convenient means of ensuring mental, spiritual and physical well-being. Home workouts can also help reduce anxiety and boost endorphins during this time of collective anxiety. 

Some Truths that came out during this lockdown: 

  • America is not the leading country today
  • China can never think of world welfare
  • Europeans are not as educated as they were supposed to be
  • We can spend our holidays with pleasure even without going to foreign countries
  • The immunity of Indians is much higher than the people of the world
  • No priest, priest, author, cleric or astrologer could save a single patient
  • Health workers, police personnel, education workers, administration personnel are the real heroes and not cricketers, film stars and football players
  • Gold and oil have no importance in the world without consumption
  • For the first time, animals and birds felt that this world also belongs to them
  • The children of the metros realized for the first time that the stars really twinkle
  •  Most people of the world can do their work from home as well
  • We and our children can live without ‘junk food’
  • Living a clean and clean life is not a difficult task
  • Only women do not know how to cook food
  • Actors are only entertainers and not real heroes in life
  • Money has no value today
  • The Indian rich are full of humanity
  • Only Indian can handle critical time properly

Although pandemic COVID-19 has challenged the old saying of Aristotle that, Man is a social animal, but as it is said that change is always for a good; it could be the time to go back to the basics and fight together to beat this new enemy!