Happy valentine’s week to all the couples and other folks out there. Talking about others, we all have someone we love or admire. A friend with whom we talk a lot. A friendship we wish could grow into something more. A person you rush to when anything happens. Sounds familiar, right? However, not all of us have the guts to admit and confess our feelings. That too, for all the right reasons. It could be the lack of confidence, but most importantly it’s the fear of rejection and embarrassment caused by it. Whatever it might be, if it’s worth their partnership, you must overcome your fear and go through it. Here’s a short guide you can follow for the same.
Valentine’s week is a time not to Overthink
Overthinking is a significant factor that confines and stops us from making decisions. Instead of facing the situation in reality, we tend to make up situations in our heads that increase our fear. However, the reality can be totally different. As they say, the best way to overcome you fear is to face it. Therefore, try avoiding overthinking. Needless to say, you have to come to terms with their response, whatever it might be.

Talk your heart out this Valentine’s week
If he/ she is your friend, they probably know you already. Although it’s still imperative to talk your heart out. In such situations, hesitations can be a roadblock to the onset of your happy journey. As a matter of fact, they are likely to know all the things beforehand. They just need to listen from your mouth. Let’s agree, we all like hearing someone talking about us and admitting they admire us.

Share a Chocolate
Sweet delicacies tend to uplift the mood and what’s better than chocolate? These cocoa treats are already associated with confessing love. The reason being it makes your beloved one more open to romance and stimulates their love. Now you know why we have a dedicated day to chocolates. So, before you head out to confess your feelings, grab his/ her favorite chocolate and share it together while you talk. Besides, this will give them a hint that you remember their taste and consider it.

Hug it out and promise
When you are done talking your heart out, listen to their response patiently. Whether they feel the same way or not, just hug them. Hugging them tightly will let your feelings out and they might feel the affection too. As we already know, hugs provide a sense of closeness and comfort. Other than that, it is imperative to respect their decision if you want things to be smooth. Therefore, in case they don’t stay in line with your energy, promise not to let your feelings hinder your existing bond. In another case, promise to do everything you can to keep them closer.

End it with a proposal and a Date on Valentine’s Day
We are optimistic. Thus, we assume that they said YES and you are on the ninth cloud! Now that you both are on the same page, propose to them, give them a rose, and take your friendship to next level. Show them the romantic side of yours and what are you willing to do in order to make them happy forever. Also, it goes without saying, ask them out on an official first date where you both can share dinner and drinks together.

A little secret for you, we have a few tips and tricks that can get you out of your friend zone. If these things work out for you, you can spend your romantic week together every approaching year.