“Mother: all love begins and ends there.” We all agree that no one else but Mom who’s most savage, strong, courageous, and of course, loving. She’s your first friend, teacher, and supervisor. The lady does everything beyond her capabilities to build you strong and give you a bright future. For all that she does, the least you can do...

Indoor Plants That Bring Wealth, Happiness And Prosperity

Plants, as we all know energise the home by purifying the air and enhancing the flow of oxygen. Plants, according to specialists, trigger positive energy in our...

A Complete Guide For Aquarium Planting

To maintain proper growth, all plants require a combination of light, carbon dioxide (CO2) nutrition, and trace elements. Although this is basic knowledge, many people are unaware...

How To Care Your Greens In The Winter?

Now that winter is here, our green members need more plant care from us than ever! Plants are one of nature's best and beautiful...

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7 Delicious Chocolate Cakes Straight Away from the House of Bakers

As the saying goes, ‘If it would have been easy to resist, then it would not be known as chocolate cake’.  The chocolate cake is...

How I Celebrated My Mother’s Birthday In Lockdown

Lockdown in India is one effective measure taken by the government of India to curb the spread of the new Novel Coronavirus. So, many...

How is COVID-19 Lockdown Changing Our Lifestyle?

Today, the total tally of Coronavirus cases in India crossed 23,000! The deadly virus has made ripples of impact to not only India but...

7 Things We Never Thought We’d Miss During Quarantine – Yet We Do!

You don't know what's missing until it's gone. Ah! Heard it many times, but understand it now. Honestly tell me, the last time you...

Having A Sister Sibling Is A Blessing, Know How?

I am so fascinated by the hate-love relationship shared by siblings. I mean like one moment I just control myself not to stab my...

Hygiene and Food Safety Tips by WHO for Restaurants During COVID-19

The globe is facing an alarming COVID-19 pandemic threat triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Many nations are adopting the World Health Organization (WHO) advice...

Know Why People With Siblings Are More Mentally & Emotionally Stable

Were you brought up with a crazy sibling? If yes then you would definitely relate to this article. People who have siblings and have...

How Flowers can help the World to Recover after a Long Fight from COVID-19?

    - “This too shall pass” This is the hope that is feeding positivity to people’s hearts whilst they are locked in their house amidst the...

Best Sayings By Most Inspiring Mommies Around The Globe

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” —Abraham Lincoln Sometimes we need help to find the most perfect...

Wacky Pranks To Pull Off On Your Sibling During Lockdown

Our hate-love relationship with our sibling is quite evident with the fact that we want to choke the food in their windpipe at one...



Heartfelt Mother’s Day Status and Captions for Instagram

“Mother: all love begins and ends there.” We all agree that no one else but Mom who’s most savage, strong, courageous, and...

What Can I Write On A Mother’s Day Greeting Card?

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor the incredible women who gave us love, warmth, courage, and strength. To make the...

Heartfelt Ways To Honour Your Mom On Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is a time-honored tradition when we celebrate all the motherly figures who have nurtured and shaped our lives. It’s a...