Just Summer Things – Relatable Things That Happen Only In Summers

Just Summer Things - Relatable Things That Happen Only In Summers
Just Summer Things - Relatable Things That Happen Only In Summers

Summers! Just the word is enough to give you a glimpse of sun kissed pictures, juicy watermelon and lots of daylight to hang out with friends because the sun won’t start setting before you could even get out of the office. Winter is just about to bid a final goodbye and you won’t be experiencing it for a quite a long time, if you live in the tropics. And we finally move towards the hotter season – the season of overhead sun which may make it one of the least fave amongst many of you including me. Okay, i admit i’m not the nicest person to be around in summers because summers make me sweaty, irritated personality. Please tell me i’m not the only one, some of you can relate, right? Okay, leave that, let’s talk about what summers do to our hair. Any bird nests roaming around here? 

Well, Every season brings along some kind of specific traits that happen only in that particular season. You can say that these are the traits that make us love it, hate it or i atleast miss the season. So, you are happy because your flowers will finally start to bloom and soon the city will be filled with flower delivery because it is the season of flowers. There are a few summer things that happen only in summers and may be relatable to you as well.

Walking around barefoot

Ah! The best thing about summer – walking barefoot. Bye bye tons of layered socks, its official time when your feet will see the outside world. Let’s all agree that walking barefoot on the cold floor  is just so pleasing. I mean it just makes you feel so better and helps you cool down instantly. Its like your feet are the insulator of your body, thus walking barefoot is actually mandatory to maintain your body temperature. So, get ready to  see more people constantly walking around barefoot.

The robotic talk

What’s a robotic talk? Well, I’m talking about the sound that comes when you put your face in a cooler and try to speak. Its gives a robotic effect to your sound. Don’t act so innocent, i know everyone has done it in their childhood and some even enjoy it doing till now. Well, it is another thing that just happens in summers. 

Melting Popsicle sticks

What is the most loved part about summers that make the season bearable? I think you have to give it to the popsicles. Well, you are never too old to enjoy popsicles. But what makes the experience of popsicles more relatable is when you can never finish a popsicle without dropping it on the floor because it melts at twice the speed of your eating speed.

Laziness on point

Summer is not only the season of harsh sun and ice creams, it is a season of laziness. The excess heat makes you a lazy person who likes to postpone all tasks. You are soon going to be attacked by laziness that will stop you from doing anything. 

Uneven tan

Another ‘just summer thing’ is the uneven tan that will be appearing on all individuals, less or more, especially the thong lines formed on the feet. 

The ever changing forms of chocolate

You know what changes its foam the most in this season? Its the chocolates. I mean that thing changes its form from going to ooey-gooey melted lava to a gross chalky substance. Don’t we all relate to it? So, its better you get a cake delivery which will be consistent. 

Welcome back insects

The worst part about and yet the most relatable part aboit summer is that you will have to welcome the unwanted guest in your home – insects.

These are a few things that happen only in summers.