Nifty Ways To Pamper Yourself Ahead Of Christmas Festivities

Nifty Ways To Pamper Yourself Ahead Of Christmas Festivities
Nifty Ways To Pamper Yourself Ahead Of Christmas Festivities

Pampering has no season! Read that again. There is no particular season for pampering, we need to take care of ourselves throughout the year. Though stuck up in hectic schedules, we generally skip taking out time for ourselves which is why holiday season is a perfect time to look after our skin and health because holidays = extra free time. However, holiday season can also be the busiest time of the year when most of us end exhausted, wishing for another holiday to escape this holiday season. What an irony. Well, this citation can be avoided if you take care of yourself even at the time of christmas. 

The magic of the holiday season has already begun and how can we keep calm with Christmas just two days away. There is a lot to do which adds to the perfect christmas eve, decorate your space to jazz things up,  prepare christmas dinner, baking and get ready to entertain your guests. Well, while all this is happening, we often forget to take care of ourselves which is why Christmas may feel exhausting to some of us. You know when they say Christmas treat, they necessarily don’t mean Christmas cake, (though it is a must have and if you already haven’t, order one right now) sometimes they mean spoiling yourself by pampering yourself. Here are some nifty ways to pamper yourself ahead of the Christmas festivities.

At home grooming

The most important thing is to take out time for ‘YOU’, and that means the self grooming session should never stop. Grooming is a major part of self-care which most people are guilty of skipping. Well, self grooming makes a person look more put together and it is a matter of personal hygiene as well. I know these are the laziest days of the year and with so much on your to – do list, you barely get time to apply a fresh coat of nail paint, or try a new beard style, and that is exactly what needs to be changed. No matter how busy you are, you may not get time to go to a salon, no need, because at home grooming will help you. Mani – pedi, massages, beard styling etc. everything can be done at home. 

Glass skin remedies

Christmas means meeting your friends and family. You want them to meet your dull side? No, right? Well, no matter how much energy you put in, your skin is going to speak the truth. So, your pampering majourly includes taking care of the skin. Drink an extra glass of water because water intake decreases in the chilly weather. Also, with it, whisk in some home made face packs for a glass like skin on the christmas eve. You know it takes much less time than you think it would. There are so many natural packs for every skin type that guarantees a glowing festive ready skin. Time to pamper your skin, I know you love facials, so what’s stopping you from having one right away? Wait, before you take off for the salon, read the other ways to pamper yourself. 

Refreshing spa 

Honestly tell me how many of you have canceled spa appointments back to back because of endless reasons? Sometimes, you are stuck in the office, or have a plan with friends, expecting guests at your place, or just being lazy enough to look out for a reason. All these reasons are heightened at the time of christmas. In Fact it is the best way to keep yourself refreshed in the holiday season. So, it’s the spa appointment that usually gets murdered. Don’t cancel that spa appointment because you are expecting guests, you can invite them at a suitable time or you can prepone your spa appointment, as the saying goes ‘where there is a will, there is a way. 

Treat yourself

Treat yourself – well this actually means treat yourself with delectable desserts and food. Pampering means both inside and outside. You need to pamper yourself in all the ways possible. So, order Christmas cake because you are on a mission “pamper yourself”. 

These are a few ways to pamper yourself ahead of the holiday season and Christmas.