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A sibling is a portal that takes you to all the crime scenes you created during your childhood. They are the only ones who can see childhood just the way you see, thanks to the same set of memories. They have seen life exactly the way you can recall it. When we were kids, fighting back or...
Rakhi Gifts Ideas
Here comes August and before you would even know, the festival of Rakhi will be here. Now, as per the tradition, if you are a sister who is reading this, you must be looking for Rakhi for your brother and of course, some Rakhi gifts ideas to ask for from your brother.  Well, have...
Fighting with siblings is one of the most important aspects of siblinghood, right? Yes, I mean, what siblinghood relationship would it be if you don’t get to fight with your siblings for no reason at all? I would not hesitate to claim that a fight fought to keep the boundaries in mind, brings you a lot of...
5 Movies to Watch and are Perfect to Bond with your Siblings
Who is that one creature you share a love-hate bond with? I mean one minute you want them to beat the shit out of them, and the other minute you feel like lost in a dessert when they are not around. It’s your sibling. Yes, those creatures are weirdly special to us. That bond is what forces us to...
India is the birthplace of Gods and known for a lot of traditions and rituals--that’s true! The auspicious land of India is blessed with God’s feet, rituals, traditions, and so many festivals celebrated by everyone around the world. All these things are the main attraction that captivates people to know about Indian tradition and folklore. As we said earlier,...
You might not admit it, but you do know the plethora of benefits of being the youngest sibling in your home, right? Obviously, you don’t want to admit these especially in front of your siblings because you don’t want it to get them jinxed, but everyone out there knows all the perks and advantages the youngest sibling...
The kind of relationship that brother and sister share is impossible to put into words. It is a mixture of love, hate, care, anger, comparison, competition, contentment, mostly like all the emotions in the world. They overflow you from time to time as you two have the ability to go from being best buddies to worst enemies...
A sister is someone who is known as the second version of a mom. It’s her friendly nature and supporting role that binds the whole family together. Undoubtedly, she is the best part of a family. There is one or more person in the family with whom every sister share a bond just like tom and jerry do. It’s...
The auspicious festival that focuses on the brother-sister bond will be arriving soon. Celebrated in India in the month of August, siblings eagerly wait for this day because of many reasons. Well, the concept of Raksha Bandhan is actually very different from the other festivals celebrated in India because rakhi is actually a day to celebrate having...
Best Beautiful Jewellery Pieces To Gift Your Sister On Raksha Bandhan
Want to be the sibling of the year? This Raksha Bandhan is the perfect chance to show your skill and prove that you are the best sibling that your sister could ever wish for.  As you may know that Raksha Bandhan is an auspicious festival of India, and it clearly celebrates the bond of brother-sister. The process goes like sisters...