father's day

He can be strict, he can be super lenient, he can be playful, he can be solemn - lots of different characteristics, one main lead - Dad! Daddies are like impersonators who change their roles from time to time according to the situation. This quality of him makes him a celebratory person. Well, thankfully 20th June is...
Well, we all have heard sayings like that it is almost impossible to understand a woman, a woman is a mystery that even her creator could not solve and a lot more, right? However, I truly believe that if observed carefully, the patterns of traits of all women are a lot more similar and could be traced....
Father’s day is a very important day because it is celebrated for hat one most important man in our life. Dads are silent support in life, they are always there to catch us when we fall, build us from scratch, help us financially and make us tough for the outer world. So, father’s day - when you...
Strict, imposing and stoic, are the first few images that we get in our heads as soon as we hear the word brown dad right? Well, typically brown dads do carry these images of their personality for I don't know what reasons. Personally, most of the brown dads do carry their image pretty well when it comes...
Father’s day is approaching at the same speed as covid cases are increasing in India. But you know what they say, after every bad storm, the sun always shines bright. Right now, what you need to do is find happiness, besides the horrific time. Besides what's happening in the world, important days or special occasions arrive right...
As I presented a mother's day gift to my mommy, the first question my dad popped “where’s my gift? I told him to wait for father’s day. This created even more pressure on me to get him a perfect father’s day gift that he can flaunt. Well, after a lot of brainstorming, I figured out that plants...
Since it is the mothers’ love that has been considered the purest or the greatest, I would love to confidently claim that fathers can too be darn good. Yes, from feeding the baby adequately to changing its diaper at 3 am in the morning, they too can do everything that a mother does. Well, on behalf of...
Remember how every summer vacation, we used to pack our bags to go on a fun vacay? Well, who is the man behind all those memorable vacation trips that provided you content for school stories? Its dad. Daddies are that silent support of the family who says little but has a big impact on each member. He...
Some people play a key role in directing our lives to a positive path— those we called Parents! Our parents are the building blocks who provide support and make their kids good human beings to live and let live. Mothers are no doubt the most ideal figures, but in no way less is the father's role. If...
“Thank You dad for everything you have done for me”, as simple as these words look, they surely have a great impact on daddies. Well, I don't think that any child ever says thank you in words to their dad, it gets kind of awkward, right? I understand and that's why it’s better to say it in...