
List Of Favourite Holiday Movies To Binge Watch On OTT Right Now!
Who all are jumping to the christmas day in pyjama and decided to stay in? Me too. Personally,  I love christmas, and everything about it. Christmas decorations, christmas treats, holidays, cozy naps and a happier world, what's there not to love. Everything is much better around the season of holidays  The city is turned...
7 Ways to show gratitude on this Christmas
Last year, I attended a Christmas Carol in a nearby school, and I must say that it was worth listening to. It was an outstanding event organized by them with an effort to raise funds and collect Christmas gifts for a charity. Attending that function made me realize that there are many more things that we can do at...
There is no shortage of dessert delights! When it comes to Christmas desserts, the more the merrier! Whether it's peppermint candies, hot cocoa, or an extravagant gingerbread house, our motto is the more the merrier! That's why we've compiled a collection of festive Christmas dessert recipes to enjoy throughout the Christmas season.  Even if...
What is the first thing you think about when you hear ‘Christmas’? Is it the lip-smacking treat at the dining table, or is it the delicious Christmas cake that is being baked in your oven? Well, it could be anything! From those crunchy cookies to that gigantic Christmas tree standing in your living room. However, there is an ancient...
It's difficult to buy a gift for a family, whether it's your own or someone else's. Everyone has diverse interests, which is particularly noticeable when there are children of various ages present. Holiday gift ideas that honour family relationships (like a bespoke photo of everyone together!); or that allow you to spend time together (like a pizza-making...
Make Christmas Merry & Bright With These 6 Decorative Ideas!
Every year, Christmas brings all the festive vibes and excitement without fail, right? Yes, from expecting a beautiful gift from your secret Santa to preparing a delectable treat for Christmas dinner, Christmas is all about treating your soul right. However, there is this concealed element of this festival that actually sparks up our Christmas spirit. Yes, you guessed it...
Are you ready to host the most happening new year party in the town? With new year lined up after Christmas, get ready with the best outfits from your closets because, hey! Its party season. While you are all dolled up for the new year’s party, wouldn’t you like to beautify your interior space as well? Well, if you want...
Things To Definitely Put On Your Secret Santa List In 2020
If you know someone who still believes in Santa Claus, be a good soul and get ready to dress up like Santa for them. I remember those innocent days when we used to believe in the santa clause and that he truly listens to our wishes. I was heartbroken when someone popped my bubble. I think, along...
Ultimate Guide To Organize Perfect Christmas Dinners In Your Cafe
Christmas is a happy time for everyone, from kids to adults, employees as well as business owners. Kids are happy for the break from school while adults are happy for the amazing christmas sales, employees get excited in the hope of a bonus. What is in there for a business owner? Well, the holiday season and the...