7 Awesome Birthday Cake Designs & Ideas To Uplift Your Party Theme

Birthday cakes
7 Awesome Birthday Cake Designs & Ideas To Uplift Your Party Theme

The style and flavour of the birthday cake that you choose do make a lot of difference in your birthday celebrations. These two aspects set the tone of the entire party. They also contribute to the theme of the celebration and many times do become a topic of discussion long after the party is over. Such is the impact of beautiful and custom birthday cakes that seem to be quite the trendsetters these days. You have a lot of options in the market today for a birthday cake that goes well with the party theme and really gets everyone excited. The following section talks about several such extraordinary and fun cakes that you can bring home for your little one or special someone without thinking twice. Let’s find out what they are:

The Very Popular Motu Patlu Cake

Motu and Patlu are two of the most favourite and highly loved characters today in the Indian animation scene. They are also the favourites of your little children. The Motu Patlu cake is a finely crafted piece of delicious art that your children are going to love on their special day. The flavours commonly available are vanilla and butterscotch. This is a poster cake for children of all ages. Not just Motu Patlu but you also have other cartoon character options such as Tom and Jerry, Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Donald & Daisy Duck, Doraemon, Pikachu, Dexter, Aladdin, and several Marvel Comics characters as well.

The Evergreen And The Ever Black Forest

The Black Forest cake is the number one choice for birthday parties because of its traditional taste and unmatched moistness. Everyone has tasted this cake and wants more of it on their special day. What makes it special is the soft and creamy meringue on top, the rich chocolate ganache, the cherries and strawberries, and also the chocolate flakes that come in the form of toppings. A traditional Black Forest Cake is easily available at your nearest outlet and also on the leading online cakery and bakery shops and needless to say, it is the ideal choice for adults and children alike.

Secret Desire Pinata Cake Is No More A Secret

Pinata cakes seem to be quite the rage these days. It is because of their inspiring designs and the surprise element contained within. It is also one of the most entertaining birthday cakes that you can order for your children. Remember, instead of cutting the cake, you are going to have to crush it with a small hammer. The Secret Desire Pinata Cake is everything your child can ask for on his birthday. It just adds so much fun and excitement to the whole party. This is one celebration that they are never going to forget.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man Cake

We just spoke about Marvel comic characters. It seems that your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man was perhaps listening to our little conversation. Spider-Man cakes and other superhero cakes have gained quite a lot of popularity, especially after the movie franchise has become so famous all over the world. These are celebrated comic heroes and they have become the icons of your children. Nothing could be better than a Spider-Man cake for their birthday. They are available in butterscotch and vanilla flavours. The usual size is somewhere around 1 kg. The design is fondant so it is going to remain intact for a long time. This means no more melted face Spider-Man!

All Smiles With The Smiley Pinata Cake

The next is the golden yellow Smiley Pinata Cake. Nothing can go wrong when you are all smiles with this cake. The flavours available are vanilla strawberry, chocolate, and butterscotch. But right now the most popular flavour that has captured everyone’s taste buds is Pineapple. The Smiley Pinata Cake is very special and unique because of its distinctive design. There are several add-ons to the cake as well but for that, you will have to get in touch with the bakery people. There are different chocolate compound options too and various icings to choose from. You can go for custom filling of your pinata cake with either white or dark chocolate compound or probably loads of candies, liquorice, and also edible glitter.

Have A Break, Have A Kit Kat Photo Cake

Kit Kat Photo Cake can never get old. These chocolate cakes are delicious and custom-made for the birthday boy/girl. The entire structure of the cake is wrapped and surrounded by Kit Kat chocolate sticks. The edges of the top of the cake are decorated with gems and all kinds of assorted colourful candies. The topmost layer of the chocolate cake is where the photo of the birthday boy/girl goes. The entire cake is edible including the photograph. This is one of the most personalized cake options that you get in the market. And of course, you can also give your own ideas when it comes to designing the cake. The best part is that it is suitable for people of all ages and not just the kids in your house.

The Timeless And Out-Of-This-World Ferrero Choco Cake

The Ferrero Choco Cake is a luxurious intelligence. It is not just ideal for kids’ birthdays but the kid’s father’s or mother’s birthday as well. These are usually available in hazelnut flavour with an overdose of the finest chocolate that you can find on the market. These cakes are made to imitate the crunchy shell of the Ferrero Rocher chocolate that you get in the market. They are absolutely delectable and have that toasted and smokey flavour that the timeless chocolate brand itself is popular for. The textures and flavours are all perfectly balanced.

To Sum It All Up
If you haven’t thought about bringing home these birthday cakes yet, this is the time to consider them. These are not just scrumptious but beautiful to look at. Everyone at your party is going to be in awe of the design, texture, fullness, taste, and aroma of these birthday cakes. Be the talk of the town. Be the first to order one of these cakes.