Why Siblings Are The Best Gift You’ve Ever Received In Life?

Why Siblings Are The Best Gift You've Ever Received In Life?
Why Siblings Are The Best Gift You've Ever Received In Life?

Brother, sister, rival and best friend- all of it packed in one person, sibling. If you are someone who grew up with one, then you will agree with me that this person comes with an all-in-one kind of feature where he or she can change roles according to the situation. They can lend you a shoulder to cry on when life gets hard, but they can also be the one who actually makes life hard. Growing up with siblings is nothing less than a drama – thriller movie followed by some crime (if stealing food counts for one.) But you know the memories of childhood that we create with them echo throughout our lives. 

Knowingly or unknowingly, siblings actually shape each other’s life. Consider them your first teacher who helps you learn to resolve fights and put in some social skills. Basically they put in lifelong social skills. If you think deeply, you will realise that your sibling is actually your first playmate (considering they were the only accessible people at that age), and your oldest friend once you are an adult. Out of billions of people in the world, only you two are a part of the same history which brings you even closer. Like why aren’t you allowed to use certain words or watch a particular cartoon, because you two don’t need to explain it but the history behind it is dark. So, Irrespective of all the slaps, oh I mean high fives received in the face, we continue to love them. So, other than all those battles you’ve fought, there is another side to siblinghood. This Raksha Bandhan, when you are prepare for rakhi gifts online, let’s recall why they are the best gifts that your parents ever gave you. 

  • Made your childhood ‘best’

Initially, they might be the unasked-for friend that you were forced to stay with, but eventually, they are the ones who made your childhood awesome. Just because of them, you have stories to tell now. All you can remember is your fights? Don’t worry, it taught you to survive. Without them, your childhood (and your life) would have been dull. Don’t believe me? Ask a person who doesn’t have a sibling. 

  • Always have your back

We all need that one person in life who we can rely on to support us irrespective of the situation. That one person is your sibling. He or she does not even have an option other than backing you up, right? You both are allowed to kill each other, but if no other person is allowed to pick on you. 

  • Best critics

“You are being paranoid”, “you’re dumb”, the only person who will tell you such things, are your siblings. They don’t fear you so they will tell you when you are being creepy or weird. If you doubt that you are looking like a clown in a particular dress, they will put a full stop on your doubts. 

  • Everything is a competition

Ever wondered why are you so ready for any type of competition? Siblingssss. I mean something as simple as taking a shower turns into a race when you have a sibling at home.  

  • Make family events tolerable

We all know how family occasions are, especially when you are a grown up and “marriageable age”. It can become intolerable, but thanks the siblings, they help you to survive family events. 

  • Understand your offbeat sense of humour

They know you are crazy but still laugh along on the same old joke again and again. When the world is judging you for your humour, the only creature who gets it every time. No matter how lame your jokes are, they will participate. 

See, siblings are the reason we have a clock full of hilarious and amazing memories. Aren’t they just the best gift we have ever received?