Weird Yet Cute Ways Siblings Show Love To Each Other Without Saying It!

Weird Yet Cute Ways Siblings Show Love To Each Other Without Saying It!
Weird Yet Cute Ways Siblings Show Love To Each Other Without Saying It!

Do you say ‘I love you’ to your siblings or are you normal? It’s your sibling, I mean who does that, right? They are born to fight with us. Don’t we all just love to fight with our siblings? It is the world’s easiest task and we don’t even need a reason to do so. They are breathing in the same air as a reason enough to accuse them and fight for it. But do you show your love for them this easily?  Me neither. This is the last thing you would want to do even if the world was ending, which I suppose was predicted for 21st June 2020, but let’s not go there. 

Depending upon the relationship you share with them, telling your brother or sister that you love them can be really awkward. Even if you do express it, according to them you are creepy or it is a part of some kind of mean trick. But you know this does not mean that they dont love each other, they do love each other very much. It’s just that they don’t like to display it. Or they don’t know the right way to do it. That is why they opt for really weird ways to show love. Like why do you think that they send online rakhi gifts to India each year? Similarly, the following are some gestures that will help you to figure out when your siblings are trying to show you their love and care. 

  • Let you drive

Well, well, well, we all know that siblings, especially bros, never ever let you drive. Either they don’t trust you with your driving, or you drive too slow or too fast. If nothing else, you are accused of rash driving. Whatever the reason might be, they believe that they drive better and you have to always ride back. But if someday, he or she happens to give you the car keys, guys know that they are showing love. 

  •  Bring you leftovers

Ever happened that your sibling went out and brought your favourite food along? And claim that ‘it was leftover so I thought why not give it to you’. Well, let me tell you that it is his or her way of showing love. Either they have purchased it especially for you or while eating it reminded them of you so they made sure to carry some back home. 

  • Offer TV remote

Aren’t we all aware of this one? TV remote is one property for which siblings fight the most. You never just get the remote, one has to fight for it. But someday, if by any chance, your sibling lets you take it without the wrestling part, know that right at this point love is flowing from their side. 

  • Beat you for no reason

Haha! This one is funny because it is completely opposite of showing love but still most siblings are guilty of opting it. When they want to show love they can’t simply hug you because that would be normal right, but instead, they will start beating you for no reason at all. Who does that, right? Told ya! The ways are really weird. 

  • Let you ride in the front seat

It is a big achievement to fight and occupy the front seat while riding with your parents. Just like a TV remote, it is a battle one has to fight for. But if they offer you to sit in the front seat in their full consciousness, they really are adoring you at that point. 

So, these are some really weird but still cute ways siblings show love and care without actually saying it.