Protective Measures Taken By Winni Against Coronavirus


Amidst the outrageous outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, the active measures taken by the Indian government against Coronavirus, have urged Winni to do the same for its employees and spread the word of general awareness. All the possible steps have been taken by Winni to ensure the safety of employees. From keeping the safety of our customers, merchants, delivery partners to employees, we have been actively participating in cornering the spread of Coronavirus. In all the countries we operate, we have regulated all the safety measures among all the people and partners associated with us. 

The foremost step taken by us is to educate and train our employees. Cutting off the unnecessary panic from the public has been our aim so that the authentic and right information could be passed on to our team. The correct practices of personal hygiene and frequency of hand-washing or sanitizing have been made clear to our employees and delivery partners. Also, we have shared the right symptoms and steps to take if any symptoms related to Coronavirus are found. Immediate contacting a doctor or self-quarantine has been advised to all our employees if any of the symptoms are detected. We also strive to help our employees financially during this time of crisis.  

Important and necessary advisories released by the Ministry of Health & Family Affairs have been sent to all the delivery boys working for our organization since it will not only help them to fight Corona but will also help our customers from getting in contact with the virus. Extra attention has been given to the delivery of our products, especially cakes or any edible item keeping all the hygiene factors and secure delivery intact. 

All partnered merchants have been strictly advised to adhere to the hygiene practices and precautions to be followed by their staff in the kitchen. A safe and healthy environment has been created by all our partners so that the customers ordering their favourites from our website would not hesitate before ordering. We would also assist all our partnered merchants in the supply of alcohol-based sanitizers for their staff and the delivery partners also.

We firmly believe that if the right practices, including appropriate social distances, are followed by everyone, then, we can take down the COVID-19 together. Let’s join hands to curb the spread of Coronavirus by spreading the correct information to everyone and taking the best preventive practices as recommended by the Government of India. We strongly urge all the readers to properly wash and sanitize hands before ingesting home-cooked or ordered food from outside. Contact our supportive and active customer care team for any quote of inquiry.