How To Care Your Greens In The Winter?

How To Care Your Greens In The Winter?

Now that winter is here, our green members need more plant care from us than ever!

Plants are one of nature’s best and beautiful gifts to us as most of them rely on us completely for their health, well-being, and productivity, plus you have a tangible result from all your effort. The more work you put into your plant the more they give you in return, especially if they are flowering or fruiting. Receiving a measurable return on your time and emotional investment is rewarding on so many levels and humans… well they are only humans after all. Taking care of plants is really important to discuss. Plants react differently with different seasons and environments. Winters are sometimes really harsh on some tropical plants and many other types of plants.

Protect your plants from cold winds. Your plants may get burnt i.e.; their leaves actually turn brown due to the chill. So, plant in protected areas like, next to the garage wall, or even a hedge, opt for pots that you can move as well, depending on the weather.

Plant Care in the Winter Season


Also, place wood or bamboo stakes next to plants with weak stems to provide support. Next is to balance the watering. The plants’ water requirements will reduce since there is moisture in the air, therefore, don’t overwater, or the plant may rot. But don’t stop watering, or your plants may become weaker, and not survive the cold. Ideally, water early morning, washing the leaves as long you go in order to remove the harmful dew.


Use dead leaves to cover the plant bed- it helps prevent dew/frost from seeping into the roots. You can try old newspapers instead of leaves. Following next is another crucial part that is providing shelter. For saplings, get a bamboo or steel frame, big enough to fit over the plant bed or cluster of pots. Place a plastic sheet on top to cover the greens. Once the saplings become strong, you can transplant them into beds- do this in the evening to allow them to acclimatise better.


Disease; preventing plants from plant diseases is crucial. Bugs and insects do not go into hibernation at this time- so get your gardener to immediately spray insecticide if he spots an infected plant. Also tell him to prune shrubs, hedges and trees regularly to avoid bacteria and viruses from flourishing.


Winter care for plants is as simple as not disturbing them with any activities like pruning or overwatering. While they are happily hibernating. Thus, putting your plants to bed for winter is mostly a matter of cleaning and removing their undesirable diseased or dead plants and covering them a blanket of mulch. This is because as the temperature cools down, so does the growth of a plant, which means that their demands like watering and fertilizing also reduce. So your plants don’t need too much attention during winters, as they are like to sleep and rest.

Taking care of your plants during winter provides relief to your heart as if you have protected someone or something from cold, which you have by saving and taking care of your plant