Indoor Plants That Bring Wealth, Happiness And Prosperity

Indoor Plants That Bring Wealth, Happiness And Prosperity
Indoor Plants That Bring Wealth, Happiness And Prosperity

Plants, as we all know energise the home by purifying the air and enhancing the flow of oxygen. Plants, according to specialists, trigger positive energy in our daily life. They advise putting money plants inside the home to bring good fortune and success. Money plants, for instance, remove barriers to financial progress and provide many streams of revenue. Vastu experts advise against growing them in the backyard. So get indoor plants as a general rule; that bring wealth, happiness and prosperity.

9 Indoor Plants For Happiness & Prosperity

Money Plant 

As its name implies, the money plant brings wealth and good fortune in areas where it is kept. According to Feng Shui beliefs, this plant gives money and good luck and brings peace and great energy to the environment. The enhanced pace of growth and the ease with which it spreads demonstrate how adaptive it is to its surroundings. The clustered leaves of the Money plant represent a good omen.

Snake Plant 

Sansevieria, a sword-like serpent plant, can act as a defender and is ideally placed near the front door or a large window. It also works well in an office or home office since it adds vivid, focused energy to the environment. A snake plant should not be kept in a bedroom or a child’s room.

Potted Orchids 

Orchids, one of the most beautiful flowering plants, are more than just decorative features. Orchids have the unique potential to offer good luck and fortune in love, according to Feng Shui. It nurtures and deepens present relationships while also increasing the likelihood of finding love and a partner. Another significant advantage is that they release oxygen at night, allowing inhabitants to get a decent night’s sleep.

Lucky Bamboo Plant 

This plant, which provides health, prosperity, and luck, needs to be placed in the east or northeast corner of your office. It, too, is distinguished by an odd number of stalks; so the more, the better:

  • Three stalks signify longevity, happiness, and riches.
  • Five stalks represent wealth.
  • Seven stalks represent excellent health.
  • Nine stalks represent good luck or get a 21-stalk plant for a super-powerful blessing in all of these categories.

The Lucky Bamboo Plant is perfect for air-conditioned offices because it does not tolerate direct sunshine and thrives in a cold atmosphere. Place it in a container with stones and water, and replace the water regularly. Order plants online, as a result, to attract good luck in your life. 


Tulsi is a sacred plant in most Indian households, fulfil several functions. The plant is not only a fantastic flavouring agent, but it also has therapeutic health benefits. Tulsi plants, according to Vastu, should be put in the North, North-East, or East directions to provide positivity and good health. Tulsi should not be placed in the south of a home since it can bring ill luck. To thrive, this plant needs plenty of sunlight and regular watering.

Jade Plant 

According to Feng Shui legend, plants with round leaves bring good fortune, and the jade plant is no exception. Jade Plant is a customary present given to new business owners and promotes prosperity and success when put at the door. There’s no reason why this indoor plant couldn’t work at home as well.

Peace Lily 

As a Feng Shui good plant, peace lily brings good fortune and luck. This is one of the most popular indoor plants that contain dazzling white flowers as well as long, strappy green foliage. It provides a relaxing atmosphere in any room. Many people believe that the peace lily cleans the air of pollution.

Rubber Plant

Outdoors can reach over 100 feet, but the indoor plants can be kept at a manageable size by keeping it slightly pot bound and pruning carefully. For plants grown indoors, indirect light is preferable. Rubber plants are referred to as wealth plants. It is believed that they attract prosperity, good fortune, and wealth. In feng shui, the circular leaves are thought to represent money and wealth.


Chrysanthemums bloom in vivid yellow. Yellow is a colour that is associated with happiness and positivity in Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra. Surprisingly, this is also the most popular flower for weddings and festivals in India. According to Feng Shui, this plant is a link between the spiritual and mortal realms, and it gives a lot of peace and comfort. The plant is native to South-East Asia so will grow in a variety of climates throughout India.