6 Annual Flowers That Grow Best In The Shade

6 Annual Flowers That Grow Best In The Shade
6 Annual Flowers That Grow Best In The Shade

There are a lot of flowers that don’t do well in the shade. They need sunlight to make their food and survive. It could be a barrier to the growth of a lot of flowers, but there are so many that are opposite! A lot of flowers loathe sunlight and love to grow without a single ray of light getting in touch with them. 

Now, before you get into the best flower online that does extremely well in the shade instead of sunlight, you need to understand what do we mean by ‘shade’ over here; when it comes to gardens, the word shade has a different meaning altogether.

Types of shade in a garden

For growing flowers in the shade, you always have two options to choose from. You can choose to grow flowers in partial shade or full shade.

For flowers that grow in partial shade, they like to be protected from the afternoon sun and stay open during the rest of the day. To protect these flowers, it is important to put them in a location where it only receives the rising and setting sun but is away from the afternoon sun.

For flowers that grow in full shade, they cannot survive even in light sunlight. The light should either be heavily filtered or, preferably, negligible. These flowers are mostly grown under the shade of a very large tree!

There is a myth that flowers that grow in shade lack any kind of color in them. Well, it mostly depends on the type of flower you opt for! The only thing you must keep in mind is the amount of shade required by each flower. If a full shade plant receives even the slightest of direct sunlight, there is no way for it to survive.

Here is a compiled list of both partial and full shade flowers that you can invest in and get the best flower delivery in Lucknow.

Full shade flowers

Indian pink

The Indian Pink is a perennial flower, which like its name, is pink in color. The hot pink color attracts a lot of hummingbirds to itself. Inside the pink flower, you will find a yellow part that opens up to form the shape of a star. These elongated flowers start growing in June and stay fresh for weeks! They can grow up to 2 feet of height without much effort. All of these features are what make this flower a great option to have in your shade garden.

Yellow bleeding heart

The specialty of the yellow bleeding heart is that it lasts in the freshest of conditions not only for weeks but for months! This flower loves to stay in the shade and is one of the best options if you are looking out for a flower to grow inside your home. The foliage grows up to 12 inches tall, with yellow tubular flowers clustered together. These flowers are easy to reproduce since the pollen of these plants spread even if you don’t want to! They start growing from April and can be found as good as new till October!

Dwarf Chinese Astilbe

The dwarf Chinese astilbe, as the name suggests, is of an Asian origin. The striking purple-pink flowers add to the color and uniqueness of a garden since they can grow as tall as 10 to 12 inches! Amongst all the other varieties of astilbes, the dwarf Chinese breed is the lowest maintenance and can grow well even if the soil is drier than usual.

Full shade flowers

Mourning Widow Geranium

There are a lot of varieties in the geranium species. But the best variety that grows the best in the shade is the mourning widow. It has a high tolerance for shade when compared to others of the same species. These flowers blossom the most starting in spring right up to late summers! These low maintenance flowers can grow up to 2 feet tall without any care. The flowers are a distinct maroon-ish purple, which makes these flowers all the more appealing than the other breeds of geranium.

Toad lily

If you want to have a unique flower in your shade garden, it will have to be the toad lily. These flowers are named so because of the blotched petals they have. Pink or red flowers are splattered with white, which makes them look like a spotted toad! They look very close to orchids, the only distinction being their color. Toad lilies also come in a lot of variety where all the heights are different and cannot be zeroed down on.

Creeping Veronica 

The creeping veronica acts as a groundcover for a shade garden. The best amongst this species is the Georgia Blue, which comes in an extraordinary blue shade that is hard to find in other flowers! The green foliage in which they grow during the spring turns into a dark burgundy as the season approaches autumn. It also catches the eye because of its 6 feet height.

All these flowers will make a great addition to your shade garden, depending on the partial or full shade garden you own!