Relatable Times You Are Grateful To Have Siblings In Your Life

Relatable Times You Are Grateful To Have Siblings In Your Life

How many times have you experienced a near-death experience because you tried something really stupid that your sibling taught you? Well, you can answer that, know that you have some part of your childhood that you will never forget. All thanks to your siblings, right? I know that’s not something very great to remember, you almost died, but because life wouldn’t be the same without these creatures. Your birthdays, family vacations, and other life events, all would be very different experiences, by different I mean boring. So, you have to give them at least a little appreciation and buy them a rakhi gift as rakhi is approaching. 

Nobody wants a childhood that they can’t even remember. What’s the whole point of being carefree, raw, tension free and being yourself when you don’t even have a glimpse of what it was like to be all these things. Whether you are followed by a little sibling or being dominated by an elder one, they keep life a little bit more interesting. And no matter how many times you wished you were a single child, I’m sure there are some situations where you are really thankful to have them by your side. Following are a few most relatable ones. 

Save you from a big bully in school

How many of you were bullied in school? I thank all of us who have faced big bullies at some point of time in school. There is always this giant person mostly from senior year who manages to bully you and your friends because you were scared of him or her. I know it seems funny now, but who saved you from the big punch coming your way? Well, support from siblings was enough to remove all the fear from your heart. Isn’t it a time you were thankful to have them in life? 

Understands you and your secret language

Living with them for so many years sure brings you some benefits like they start understanding your secret language even when you haven’t really ever discussed it. So, when you want to share a secret or let’s say gossip about someone around and you give it a shot in your secret language and they catch it instantly, ah! So thankful to have them in your life. 

Made you look good in front of your crush

Remember that time when your sibling made you look so nice and great in front of your crush? Grateful to have them, Nah? 

Cause distraction when parents scold you

Then comes a situation when you were scolded by your parents and your siblings caused a distraction by falling from bed or pretending to get hurt just to cause distraction. Now the focus shifted on your sibling, thankfully to have a sibling like him/her. 

Taught you all the cool stuff in trend

Thankful for all the times when your bro or sis taught you cool stuff that you flaunted in front of your friends. 

Are any of these situations that made you feel thankful for having siblings in life relatable to you?