Fun Ways To Create Lifetime Memories With Your Best Friends

Fun Ways To Create Lifetime Memories With Your Best Friends
Fun Ways To Create Lifetime Memories With Your Best Friends

Life is all about memories! You know why? Its because when you are old, sitting alone on a couch and you will lookback to all the years when you were young, you will only remember the memories that you have created, nothing else. Not the material you have collected, not the people you lost on the way, not the grudges you hold for someone, It’s all going to wash away, just the memories that will stay. 

So, when  you have the power to do anything you want to, I mean you are still young, you should invest in creating memories with your loved ones because its going to serve you later on. That is what bestfriends are for, to create the best possible memories. BFF are people who not only make you laugh when together, they can even serve some giggles when you think about the crazy stuff they make you do. These creatures should be saved at all cost, and appreciated too, so, send flowers to your best friend(s). There are tons of things that you can do with them, you can be as crazy as you want to be. I’m going to mention some really fun ways to create lifetime memories with your best friend. 

Execute long overdue lunch date

The life we live can sometimes be cruel that it wont let you make plans with your pals. Staying busy is the new normal and just in case someone takes out time to call you, it is often assumed that they must need a favor. Breaking this new normal, call your friends, make that lunch plan that has been on the hold since i don’t know, the school got over? It is very convenient to postpone it with all the work up your sleeve. But you know its really time that you execute that overdue lunch date because it is going to help you reunite with the good side of life. 

Make plans for pyjama parties

Well, i don’t know the age categories of my readers, but you know you are never too old to go on night outs with your friends. It is usually assumed that adulting do not include pyjamas parties, and I think it’s not true.. If you truly want some material that you can be proud of when you get old, make plans for night outs and pyjama parties. You know a lot of crazy stuff is waiting for you when you have best friends to dance the night away. You can dance, go out for drinks, gossip all night and let everything out, cry over exes, be a philosopher. You can be careless soul for that one night, no judging, 

Long drive to nowhere

Ah! Long drives, something like this is definitely worth the try with your best friends. We all have tried this, haven’t you enjoyed it? long drives are always intimate and also it’s the best therapy that you need especially when life is giving you lemons. You will feel connected with your friends and this is what you will remember when you will look back. You will see that you don’t need much to comfort you soul, just a long drive to nowhere and your best friends. So, go for a long drive and do this often whenever possible. 

Take #shoptillyoudrop challenge

Just like ong drives, shopping too is a therapy, girls will agree more. Well, it may be just shopping for you now, but it will truly add to the memories when you will be shopping without your shopping guru/personal stylist.  You can even order flowers online for them when you miss them. 

These are some fun ways to create memories with your best friend.