Facts You didn’t Know About Hibiscus Flower!

Facts You didn’t Know About Hibiscus Flower!
Facts You didn’t Know About Hibiscus Flower!

The best thing that can be found on the planet? Well, a person who is an avid lover of flowers would definitely say flowers. Eleven, a person who has nothing particular in mind, would agree to it. And why not? Flowers do come in abundance and variety that we seek them as blessings for our soul. Talking about beautiful flowers, Hibiscus is the one we are going to discuss today. Generally, almost every flower has its types and some facts that we might not know. So, if we talk about this beautiful flower, we might have seen it in our gardens or somebody else’s right. However, we will be discussing this one briefly today. With online flower delivery, you can get this flower for your loved one if you find this flower interesting or your type. P.S- if you are an ardent lover of flowers, you can probably note down any piece of information if you find these flowers interesting. 

Basic lookout on Hibiscus!

Introducing a Hibiscus- This flower comes from the family of the mallow family, Malvaceae. The family of this flower is quite large and has a number of species added to its name, which are to be found in subtropical, tropic and warm-temperature, regions. 

Hibiscus & Its Colors:

This is a vibrant color and can be found in different colors like White, Pink, Red, Purple, Pink, Peach & Orange. However, you would be surprised to know that some of these species change their color with age. 

Major Species:

East African Hibiscus (H. schizopetalus), Rose of Sharon (H. syriacus), Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis), Mahoe (H. tiliaceus), Kenaf (H. cannabinus) and Roselle (H. sabdariffa).

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea:

Mostly, it is the hibiscus tea. That we get the maximum benefits from! Let’s check out some of them.

  • Lower blood pressure: People having the problem of high blood pressure, must drink Hibiscus tea since it lowers high blood pressure. Serious ailments like heart diseases can occur to the person having issues of high blood pressure. 
  • Antioxidants: This tea is usually known to have a high rate of powerful antioxidants. So, it helps us get rid of the free particles by preventing us from catching disease and damages.
  • Lose weight effortlessly: So, some of the ingredients of this Hibiscus tea do help in reducing the weight. Moreover, to notice a significant change, use this tea after work out, and you will get better & effective results.
  • Improves liver health: Since the liver plays an important role in making our food digest by breaking down the fat and producing protein in return. Also, the liver produces biles. So, to enhance the efficiency of the lover, Hibiscus tea is highly recommended by the experts. 
  • Less prone to cancer: Polyphenols, present in the hibiscus, is widely known for its anti-cancer qualities. So, people drinking hibiscus tea regularly have the least chances of striking cancer in their lifetime. 

Blooming of hibiscus 

The flower is known to bloom early in the season. However, the bloom is said to last for one to two days. Also, they glow up early in the morning and wilts by noon. 

Lesser known facts about Hibiscus flower:

  • Hibiscus flowers do come under the category of exotic flowers.
  • Did you know that there are as many as 200 species of hibiscus flowers in the world? 
  • Surprisingly, this flower growth has a height of 15 feet. 
  • In China, this flower has been used for polishing the shoes; thus, got the name of the shoe flower. 
  • Thailand and China are the topmost producers of this flower. 
  • One of the species of this flower, named Hibiscus cannabis, is greatly used in the paper industry. 

So, if you get to know a few unknown facts about this flower today, hold on, there are many more facts that w9ll leave you jaw dropped about other flowers too. Keep exploring into the flower kingdom, believe me, it is incredibly beautiful. Send flowers online to your loved ones and make their day as bright as the flowers. Get your garden different species of hibiscus flowers and get multiple benefits from it. From their beauty to their medicinal benefits, this flower has got many things to offer us.