Funny And Wacky Superstitions Only Brown Mothers Believe Firmly


“Stop because the black cat just cut your way” – These words are more often heard in an Indian house more than talking practicality.

Well, brown mom and superstitions kind of get along really well, maybe that is why she is able to ward off bad luck of the family just with a pinch of salt. There is nothing wrong if moms have certain beliefs as far as it works for them. That’s not all; things get weirder than this because most of these beliefs defy logic. But it’s not her fault as these superstitions are passed down by our very very very old ancestors. And while they were passing them down, I think they forgot to pass down the reason behind them, and that is why no one knows the actual reason behind them. Everyone is just following it; we follow it because our mom does, our moms believe because her mom believed. Yes, that’s a brown mom for you.

Have a look at some funny and wacky superstitions to avoid that will save you from the negativity and bad luck, according to Indian moms. You will be surprised to know how absurd some of them are.

Itchy palms deal with money

Ever had itching on your hands? That is not because of some other practical reason, but it was because your hand was trying to convey something. It is believed that itchy hands bring you money. So next time you get itchy palms, remember to get a flower delivery for your mom with the same money. I’m not superstitious at all, I’m just a little stitious, so when money is involved, I like to take no chances.

Nail killing on Thursday

You know nails have their own days when they would like to be chopped. If you cut your nail on Tuesday or Thursday, you will fall really sick. Like seriously? I thought cutting your nails was more hygenic. Don’t believe me? Try the chopping on Thursday this time and get ready for the flying objects coming your way. Well, the reason behind this is still a mystery, like many other superstitions coming your way.

Upside down slippers is a no-no

Remember all the bashing you faced in your childhood, and your mom would beat the shit out of you when you misbehaved? All this while you have thought it is because of your bad behavior. But no, that’s not the actual reason. Now you will get the real reason behind it. It was solely because you kept your slippers upside down and not because you did something wrong. I know that

Shaky legs lose wealth

Some of us have the habit of shaking our legs while we are lost in our deep thoughts or due to nervousness. Well, not according to your mom. She believes that shaking one’s leg ward off the wealth. It is believed that doing so will lead to prosperity flowing away from you, and you wouldn’t want that, right?

So, these are some wacky superstitions brown moms believe. I know she can drive you crazy sometimes, but she is the most innocent creature. So, appreciate her for everything this mother’s day and buy her some amazing women’s day gifts.