5 Artistic Flowers that add Popping Colors to your Gray Winter Days


“Some artistic flowers grow even in rough winters, and you will too.”

People are getting curled up in blankets due to the winter snow, and then there are these vibrant winter flowers that are preparing themselves to bloom. The summer flowers around us are fading into scarlet or amber, which will eventually end up into silver or umbers. The hazy sky sprinkles grey mist all over the landscape, which is contrasted by the colorful winter flowers. Yes, this is how each of us can relate to this little winter flowers that have a reason, which is to bloom amid these cold grey winds. If at any time you find people around you getting upset or feeling low, then make sure to send flowers in USA. Tell them how important it is for each of us to stand in our life even after having the worst falls. Now, keeping this aside below is a list of the winter flowers that you can grow in your lawn. They will surely motivate you every single day and leave a bright smile on your face.

Winter Jasmine

Also known as Jasminum nudiflorum, this is amongst the earliest flowers that bloom in winters. It has no scent, but its bright color will surely spread the bright rays of the sun in your garden. These little yellow blooms are perfect for any cold landscape and will not burn your pocket. The winter jasmine requires a low maintenance chore, and this is what makes it a lazy gardener’s favorite flower.

Orchid Flower

Orchids are beautiful flowers that are very diverse in appearance. They glow with magenta flowers and reach up to 6m in height, but it also can be grown as a shrub if trimmed. These flowers look very ornamental and are very delicate. They are also used in making flower jewelry. One can surely prefer sending orchid flower bouquet to their loved ones.

Winter Pansies

The winter pansies have a broad spectrum of colors ranging from red to violet. The pansies can survive temperatures below the 20s, and this will be an ideal temperature for them to bloom. If you plant pansies in the baskets or pots, their growth is faster because of bushy tops. 

Bedding Begonia

They are also known as wax begonia, and their growth is very quick. These flowers bloom throughout the winter in the subtropical region. These beautiful adorable flowers are perfect for containers, hanging, baskets, and displays.

Golden Penda

The scientific name of this flower is Xanthostemon Chrysanthus, and it has large clusters of little flowers that attract honey bees and birds. The unpruned tree of golden penda can grow up to 12m of height. It is best suitable for subtropical and tropical climates.

Apart from these flowers, you can also add perennial flowers that bloom for the whole year. Make sure to have a check on the weather and then water your plants. In case of frosty weather, cover the flowers with cardboard, sheets, etc. and also save them from the chilled blowing winds. You can surely send flowers online to friends and welcome the winters.